To increase marketing and quality assurance to the dental customer, you may choose to have your laboratory certified as a Certified Dental Laboratory (CDL). This designation requires stringent infection control and case management standards with a requirement of having at least one Certified Dental Technician employed at the laboratory. Many program changes over the last few years have made the CDL Program stronger than ever!
The Certified Dental Laboratory (CDL) provides assurance that a laboratory has met specific standards relating to quality assurance, safety, and business manufacturing practices. By earning and maintaining the CDL designation, a dental laboratory is always monitoring and attempting to improve the quality and efficiency of their services and facilities.
The CDL is recognized by the National Association of Dental Laboratories (NADL), the American Dental Association (ADA) and the American College of Prosthodontists (ACP). It also receives outstanding support and participation from US military services.

Why Become a Certified Dental Laboratory?
Certification in the dental laboratory profession is voluntary. Laboratories who have taken the extra steps to become certified represent the top of their field. CDLs have documented not only compliance with peer-defined standards but a desire to stay in the forefront of the industry. A Certified Dental Laboratory takes pride in the quality and professionalism of its products and services.
The National Board for Certification of Dental Laboratories has established specific standards for personnel skills, laboratory facilities and infection control in dental laboratories. Achieving and maintaining certification offers a laboratory a nationally recognized credential attesting to compliance with competency standards that are widely accepted by dentistry and dental technology. This can be invaluable in establishing credibility with outside third parties, including courts of law, insurance companies and government.
Find Out How To Become a CDL Online CDL RenewalWhat's Being Said
"We want our current and new doctors to know that we are qualified and that we have the education required to manufacture their restorations. Becoming certified has been one of our goals for a long time and we plan to use it in our marketing campaign. We feel that certification also gives our industry a more professional appearance." Oak Tree Dental Laboratory, Inc., CDL - Diane Hughes
"Being a CDL laboratory elevates the level of professionalism amongst our staff. Anyone that walks into our laboratory can immediately sense the pride we take in making restorations that consistently meet our high quality standards and commitment to being a process-driven organization." Nakanishi Dental Laboratory, CDL - David Nakanishi, CDT
"Dentists appreciate our additional efforts in becoming certified and can see the difference that we make. We are constantly told by our dentists that we receive more training, are more educated and have top quality customer service and technical support. The CDL program has helped us get to this point." A.M.A. Dental Laboratory, CDL - Maher Odeh, CDT
"With every new client we explain what goes into the CDL designation and continue to market the CDL program to our doctors and their patients. Every case gets a business size card that explains that our lab is only one of 215 labs out of the 10,000 in the US that has the CDL designation. You have to explain and make it an added benefit to the doctor." Dimension Dental Design, CDL - Gary Iocco