NBC Course Approval Program

NBC Course Approval Process

Thank you for supporting the mission of the National Board for Certification in Dental Laboratory Technology by helping dental technicians to demonstrate their personal commitment to maintaining the highest standards in dental technology.

The National Board for Certification in Dental Laboratory Technology (NBC) is continuously looking for ways to improve our Continuing Education program as well increase Continuing Education offerings to Certified Dental Technicians (CDTs) and Recognized Graduates (RGs). CDTs and RGs are required to earn and maintain annual CE hours, to stay up to date on current dental laboratory regulations as well as technical continuing education.

We would like to extend an invitation to participate in our Course Approval Program, in which you will be able to register your course with the NBC and expand your reach and open your doors.

If you are interested in providing an NBC-approved course, please review our FAQs located on this page. To get the process started you need to complete the NBC Course Approval Request Form and we'll do the rest. Each application requires the course title and a description of content. An outline of the class content is much appreciated, and may be requested if sufficient information is not included on the application. If we need additional information (such as a biography or course outline), we will contact you.

FAQs About Our Approval Process

In addition to being recognized by your peers as an authority in your field, NBC recognizes that speakers are an important component of NBC approved continuing education. We recognize the hours of time that you spend developing and presenting the courses. To reward your hard work, NBC offers double-credit to speakers who are RGs or CDTs for each of the courses that they teach. To guarantee these double credits are added to your account, please ensure your name is listed twice on the NBC CE Reporting Sheet, which should be turned in to NBC via email after the completion of your course.

Speakers who hold a credential in dental laboratory technology or dentistry, such as a CDT, DDS, other equivalent international accreditation, or who are able to document completion of applicable formal education (usually through a biography, summary CV or diploma) will be approved to present Regulatory Standards or Scientific courses based on course content. Professional Development courses shall not require credentialed speakers.

If a course is technical in nature but the speaker(s) does not meet the NBC credential requirements, the course will only be approved for Professional Development credit.

If multiple speakers will be presenting the same course (content, title, length), all speaker names must be submitted with the course approval request. All speaker credentials will be verified and the course approval will be recorded under the name of the first speaker when listed alphabetically.

Current CDTs and NADL members are entitled to a discounted rate for NBC course approvals. All others must pay the full amount per course. A rush fee of $25.00 will be added when a request is submitted within ten business days of the program date. Course approvals are only valid for the calendar year in which they are approved and must be renewed each calendar year.

  • Single Date courses: Courses granted Single Date approval numbers should be offered one time, on the date approved.
    • $80 per approval
    • $40 for CDTs and NADL members
  • Multi-Date courses: Also referred to as "Blanket Approvals". Courses granted Multi-Date approval may be offered as many times as necessary throughout the calendar year, provided that the course content has remained the same.
    • $120 per approval
    • $60 for CDTs and NADL members
  • Qualified Educational Provider: A "Qualified Educational Provider" is a non-profit group formed for the express purpose of providing education within dentistry.
    • $26 per approval
    • $13 for CDTs and NADL members
  • Qualified Course Provider (QCP): QCPs will receive up to 200 course approvals and renewals during the calendar year for a flat registration fee. QCP courses will be listed with distinction in the Continuing Education Provider Directory: a collaborative project between the Foundation for Dental Laboratory Technology and NBC, found at www.dentallabfoundation,org/CESearch/.
    • $3,500 per calendar year
    • $1,750 for CDTs and NADL members per calendar year
Register to be a Qualified Course Provider

  • Regulatory Standards: Regulatory Standards courses provide instruction in topics related to federal regulation, quality, safety and workplace health issues. Topics may include Quality System/Good Manufacturing Practices (QS/GMP), HIV/AIDS, HIPAA, Hazard Communication, Blood borne Pathogen Standards, Emergency Action Plans, Lockout/Tagout, Respiratory Protection, Ergonomics and Personal Protective Equipment.
  • Scientific: Scientific courses provide instruction of a scientific or technical nature that are specific to the practice of dental laboratory technology or dentistry.
  • Professional Development: Professional Development courses are those that enhance the professional skills of the dental technician, laboratory supervisor or manager. Topics may include business management, speaking or writing, data processing, marketing and many others.

Course providers and speakers must keep record of CDT/RG attendance, and must provide a Certificate of Attendance to all attendees (sample certificates will be provided by NBC upon course approval). Course providers and speakers must also report credits to NBC via email through the NBC CE Reporting Spreadsheet (also provided by NBC upon course approval) within 10 business days of course completion.

Reporting credits to NBC on behalf of CDTs/RGs is extremely important, as third party documentation of continuing education is required for certification renewal. Credits reported to NBC will be automatically added to CDT/RG files. NBC strongly recommends that course providers and speakers keep copies of attendance rosters or sign in sheets for their records.

Courses presented in a published form, including webinars, pod-casts, magazines, and others, may be approved by the NBC. Approvals are issued just like traditional approvals, but the sponsor must provide documentation for how participants will be monitored (i.e. course benchmarks, quizzes, etc.).

Twelve (12) hours of continuing education are required for the annual renewal of the CDT certification. This includes 1 Hour of Documented Regulatory Standards credit, 6 Hours of Documented Scientific credit, and 5 additional hours on non-documented credit which may consist of any combination of Professional Development, Regulatory Standards or Scientific credit.

NBC will process your approval application as quickly as possible. However, due to seasonal 'surges' and the possibility of unforeseen difficulties, NBC requests that applications be submitted at least 30 days prior to the program date, or as soon as you know a course is being offered.

Please note that a rush fee of $25.00 will be added when a request is submitted within ten business days of the program date.

No! If you will be teaching the same course (same content, title, instructor and duration) at different times or locations, only one application need be used and NBC would grant a multi-date approval. With these approvals, only one Course Number will be assigned for use with all of those courses during a calendar year. If the course varies at all (a different speaker presents or the course is 30 minutes longer) a separate course approval will need to be submitted.

Course approvals are only valid for one calendar year. Regardless of when it was approved, it is only applicable through December 31st of that year. Starting in October, you can start applying for your next year's renewal.

Do you have a last-minute change in your NBC Approved Course? Did a class get cancelled? Did a speaker fall ill?

We hope any changes are non-emergent in nature, but sometimes unexpected circumstances can result in program changes. Don't worry!

Please notify NBC as soon as possible so that the course records can be adjusted accordingly. Be sure to reference your course approval number when contacting NBC. Last minutes changes, such as cancellations, should be reported to NBC as soon as feasible.

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